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What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?


Our expectations of pupils' engagement with learning:


  •  To participate in, complete and submit the learning activities assigned by their teachers daily; working to the best of their ability in accordance with the school's Millfield Cares Ethos and Code of Conduct (Take Part, Follow Instructions, Aim High)
  • To work as independently as they can; recognising that making mistakes is an important part of the learning process and not giving up. (Be Positive, Aim High)
  • To make positive and constructive comments on how they are finding the tasks, their level of enjoyment and to ask questions of their teachers to help inform their understanding of what they have to do, taking ownership of their learning  (Be Positive, Show Respect, Take Part)
  • To show respect for, and accept help and support from their teachers and parents in a positive manner showing appreciation for their efforts (Follow Instructions, Show Respect, Be Polite)


Our expectations for parental support:


  • To provide suitable space/environment for children to complete learning assignments including securing the use of suitable devices
  • To set clear routines and boundaries for learning time
  • To discuss the learning activities with their child and allow them to complete activities as independently as they can; understanding the importance of the teacher seeing mistakes and misconceptions
  • To supervise children's use of screens and internet, ensuring they also undertake active and quiet activities away from devices
  • To take an interest in and support children to complete activities
  • To aid children in submitting work through Google Classroom or Tapestry
  • To add comments on how children found the activities to aid the teacher's assessment
  • To remain in contact with the teacher with any questions or issues and seek advice/support when required
School email addresses; Secretary:, Front Office:, Absences:, Senco:, SRB: Check the School Calendar for Clubs, Trips, Events and More!