We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND, and we take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible.
If your child is joining us from pre-school:
- The SENCo will visit pre-schools with the Foundation Phase Leader when appropriate.
- All children receive a 'Starting School' booklet which contains pictures of their classroom, teachers and support staff.
- Additional home visits from Foundation Stage staff can be arranged.
- Our Nurture team attend home visits with the Foundation Phase Leader or SENCo when appropriate.
- Your child will attend 4 transition sessions before starting school. Additional sessions can be arranged if necessary.
If your child is joining us from another school:
- The SENCo will visit your child in their current school when appropriate. They will liaise with staff in your child's current school to ensure continuity of provision.
- A transition booklet can be made to support your child in moving on.
- You and your child will be able to visit the school and stay for a taster session / day if appropriate.
- A member of the Nurture team will be assigned to 'check in' with your child regularly during their first few weeks.
If your child is moving to another primary school:
- We will liaise with the reciving school to ensure they are aware of any special arrangements or support that needs to be made for your child.
- We will ensure that all records about your child are passed on as soon as possible.
- We will support your child being able to attend their new school for taster sessions / day. Our staff will attend these sessions with your child if necessary.
When moving classes in school:
- Information will be passed on to the new class teacher and staff will discuss your child's needs, strategies and plans. Pupil Passports will be shared with the new teacher.
- A transition booklet can be provided to help them understand moving to another class.
- The new teacher will spend time visiting your child in their present class and / or spend time talking to them to develop a positive relationship before moving class.
- All children spend a morning in their new class at the end of the summer term. Children with SEN are supported by additional adults if necessary.
- A meeting can be arranged for the parents of children with SEN to meet their child's new teacher before moving class.
- A member of our Nurture team may be assigned to 'check in' regularly with your child during the first few weeks in their new class.
When moving onto secondary school:
- The SENCo will discuss specific needs of your child with the SENCo of the child's secondary school. In most cases, a transition review meeting to which you will be invited will take place with the SENCo from the new school.
- Staff from secondary schools visit year 6 teachers to discuss all pupils.
- Where possible your child will visit their new school on several occasions, and in some cases staff from the new school will visit your child in this school.
- A member of our staff can accompany your child on their visits to their new school if necessary.
- Your child will take part in activities related to aspects of transition to support their understanding of the changes ahead.