Millfield Primary is a community school. This report sets out our annual offer to children with SEN, but to be effective it needs the views of parents/carers, children, governors and staff.
Please engage with our annual process to 'Assess, Plan, Do and Review' our provision for SEN.
If you have any comments please contact Mr David Sheehan (Head teacher) or Mr Ryan Saunders (SENCo) via the school office or complete a contact form below.
There may be times when you are unhappy with the provision made for your child. It is important to discuss any issues as soon as they arise as the vast majority of concerns can easily be resolved by speaking to the class teacher. If after this initial discussion you still have concerns, you should make an appointment to talk to the SENCo and/or the Head teacher.
In the event of you feeling the need to make a complaint you should follow the school's Complaints Policy which can be obtained from the school office and is available on the Policies section of this website. Support for parents during this process can be obtained from SEN department at the Local Authority