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Relationships, Social and Health Education

Subject Champion - Jane Sorensen


Statement of Intent – RSHE

At Millfield Primary School, we believe that relationship, sex and health education (RSHE) enables our children to become kind, empathic, healthy and safe members of society. Our renewed RSHE curriculum aims to help children understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up in the world today. We have created this curriculum alongside our school ethos (Millfield C.A.R.E.S).


We believe that by providing a nurturing and caring environment, all children thrive academically, socially and emotionally. Our RSHE lessons will now be called ‘Learning for life’ (PHSE retains its existing name). These lessons will be built upon throughout the phases and will ultimately give our children the skills to prepare them for the future. The lessons have been carefully planned and structured following the government guidance, with planned progression and building on terminology and understanding from the previous year’s learning. Alongside this, each class teacher will adapt or reinforce content depending upon the needs and situations within their own classes. Within the SRB, the teacher and adults look at the specific needs of the children within the setting and follow the age-related guidance where appropriate for those individuals.


We are passionate about supporting the mental health and wellbeing of all pupils at Millfield Primary School. We support this through quality teaching and learning about awareness and management of mental health through the RSHE curriculum. We provide support through outdoor learning with Forest School provision and the Wellbeing team small group and 1:1 support.

RSHE is taught as both explicit ‘Learning for Life’ lessons, using the Educator Solutions RSE scheme of work and is also embedded in other areas of the curriculum, such as in science lessons, computing and in whole-school/phase enrichment days.


Alongside our RSHE lessons, we are passionate about preparing children with life-long skills. We do this through the Nurtured Heart approach which empowers children to develop and self-regulate their own emotions through positive praise, energy, recognition and rewards. This supports our children to build a positive portfolio of themselves which is called their ‘inner wealth’. Restorative approaches are used throughout the school to create a harmonious learning environment where pupils are able to work well together through respect for everybody, taking responsibility for their own actions and to be able to repair relationships through structured supportive processes. We believe that the restorative approach not only leads to more positive relationships between pupils and between pupils and staff, but prepares our children at Millfield for the wider community when they leave our setting.

School email addresses; Secretary:, Front Office:, Absences:, Senco:, SRB: Check the School Calendar for Clubs, Trips, Events and More!