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Meet the Governors


Millfield Primary School Governing Board


Our governors are a team of people who work closely with the head teacher to ensure that the school delivers the best possible education for each and every child.


School governors have three main roles:

To ensure clarity of vision and strategic direction for the school;

To hold the Leadership to account for the educational performance of the school, its pupils and the performance management of staff;

To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent.


We ask the “Ten Essential Questions for Governors” from the Norfolk Governors’ Toolkit.

These questions are used to guide the governing board meetings and to review our governing board performance and test the effectiveness of delegated structures and operations:

  • What is the vision for our school?
  • Have we developed long-term aims for our school with clear priorities in an ambitious school development plan which is regularly monitored and reviewed?
  • Do we understand the school’s data well enough to hold our school leaders to account and manage performance?
  • Are our financial systems robust enough and do we ensure best value for money?
  • How do we know what pupils, parents and staff think of our school and how do we meet their expectations?
  • Does every governor contribute and how do we know we are effective?
  • Is our governing body helping the school to improve?
  • Are we working with others to give all of our children the best chances in life?
  • Has our governing body got the right skills to do the job?
  • Is the size, composition and committee structure of our governing body conducive to effective working?



The governing board fulfils its duties through formal meetings of the whole board twice each term. The board sets the overall direction and priorities for governors each term, oversees safeguarding, scrutinises academic performance, teaching and learning and the curriculum and oversees financial matters, human resources (personnel) and premises.  All governors are committed to a governor’s code of conduct. 


Individual governors visit the school periodically. Some governors are parents and others have previously had children at the school. During the year there is at least one formal “governors in school” day when several governors visit together to meet pupils and staff.


Governors contribute to the wider local education system through participation at cluster events, training sessions and conferences and through involvement with other schools’ governing boards. 


You can contact the governors by sending an email, letter or message marked "for the attention of Chair of Governors" via the school office (  or phone 01692 403172).



Meet the Governors


Richard Sage

Trust appointed Governor 01.09.2023-31.08.2027
Responsibilities: Chair of Governing Board, Safeguarding, Health and Safety Critical Incident Lead)
Register of interests: Governor of Taverham High School


David Sheehan

Ex-officio by virtue of office as Headteacher/Principal - permanent member commenced 01.01.2024
Responsibilities: member of all committees. 
Register of interests: None


Catherine Reynolds

Parent governor 14.01.2024 - 13.01.2028
Responsibilities:  Wellbeing, Attendance
Register of interests: None


Leonora Oakley

Staff Governor  11.10.2023 - 10.10.2027

Register of interests: None


Elliot Griffiths

Trust appointed Governor 01.02.2024 - 31/01/2028

Responsibilities Vice Chair of Governing Board, Compliance

Register of Interests: None


Katherine Gill

Trust appointed Governor 24.02.2024 - 23.02.2028

Responsibilities: Inclusion (Disadvantaged learners/CLA)

Register of Interests: None


Stacey Cunningham

Parent Governor: 29.11.2023 - 28.11.2027

Responsibilities: Curriculum/SEN

Register of Interests: None




Governors who have stepped down in last 12 months


Gordon Woolcock31.8.23
Jan Harazdiuk31.12.23
Jimmy McCarthy31.12.23


School email addresses; Secretary:, Front Office:, Absences:, Senco:, SRB: Check the School Calendar for Clubs, Trips, Events and More!