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Physical Education

PE at Millfield

Subject Champion - James Lillistone



Intent statement

At Millfield Primary School, our curriculum is inclusive and allows all pupils to access a range of physical activities which enables our pupils to be physically active. We ensure all pupils are willing to practice and take part in different activities and situations, alone, in small groups and in teams, applying skills to achieve high levels of performance. Physical Education at Millfield will develop pupil’s physical literacy and allows them to learn about themselves, the importance of healthy lifestyles, self-expression, decision making and social skill, thus focusing on developing the whole child. We encourage pupils to be active throughout a P.E lesson and employ creativity and imagination in their techniques, tactics and choreography.


Our pupils will know how to collaborate and cooperate as part of an effective team, understanding fairness and equality of play to embed life-long values. This will be achieved through a curriculum that teaches new skills and builds-upon previous ones to ensure consistent and effective teaching and learning. Lessons will be taught using the ‘Get Set 4 PE’ platform which meets the current PE National Curriculum. Each lesson is tailored to the class and will ensure each lesson meets each individual’s specific needs so that all pupils can progress and enjoy PE. Staff will be given regular opportunities to take part in internal and external CPD opportunities (using a sports coach) to ensure that a quality provision is continuous.


Our curriculum will be enhanced through the provision of extra curriculum activities, which will be run by both members of staff and outside agencies. The aim of activities run by outside agencies is to provide ‘sign posting’ to local clubs that pupils can then engage with. These activities will also provide the pupils with access to sports that they may not have been exposed to otherwise.




Implementation of PE at Millfield Primary School


Millfield Primary School provides a PE curriculum which carefully plans for progression and depth of skills through series of lessons. In KS1 and KS2, pupils take part in two sessions of physical activity each week which provide challenge and enjoyable learning by using a range of sporting activities such as: games, net and wall games, strike and field games, gymnastics and dance. Where possible children will make cross curricular links to other subjects for example Outdoor Adventurous Activities (forest school) can be seen within the Geography curriculum; and exploring themes and rhythm of music within Dance. The EYFS has one formal PE session a week alongside the environmental physical environment of the EY curriculum. This focuses on fundamental movement skills, whereas KS1 move into more specific skills for sports and apply these in game situations. In KS2 children continue to develop the skills they have learnt in KS1. Children go on a residential course for outdoor activities. Year 5 and 6 children have 1 swimming lesson a week and they also attend surfing lessons in the summer term at Cromer Glide Surf School.


In PE, pupils are taught about how to handle equipment and move safely within gymnastics and games. Within lessons, there is an emphasis on pupils being able to achieve their personal best, building resilience. Pupils are taught how to play fairly, creating a sense of teamwork, friendship and respect. 

Subject vocabulary is displayed and reinforced by teachers, giving the pupil’s the correct terminology to carefully critique their own and other’s performance. Children are at the forefront and have direct impact on their learning within the lesson through pupil voice. They are given opportunities to work as experts in a variety of sports to ensure they are given chances to demonstrate good practice as well as the teacher modelling.


Long Term Plans are used to set out units that are to be taught and ensure that the National Curriculum objectives are fully met. To support the planning of and delivery of high quality teaching across all years at Millfield the ‘Get Set 4 PE’ scheme is used.


Playtimes are an important part of our pupils being happy, healthy and ready to learn. We have well-staffed and equipped playgrounds, a large sports field, one adventure playground, a variety of playtime equipment and an outdoor woodland area where children attend forest school sessions during the school day. Also within our vibrant EYFS area, the children have lots of equipment that they can interact with which helps them learn and develop core skills such as balance, communication, eye-hand co-ordination, fine and gross motor skills.


To develop leadership and communication skills, children in Year 6 can apply to become a Young Sports Leader and House Captains which is a responsible role in encouraging younger children to learn how to play collaborative games, respecting rules and to be as active as possible during playtimes. Children selected are positive role-models for younger members of the school, organising lunchtime games and assisting with annual sports days.


Pupils are given opportunities to take part in activities outside of their normal physical education lessons. There are extra-curricular clubs for pupils to attend. In addition, the pupils are given opportunities to compete against each other in a controlled and safe manner. An example of this being  sports day. 


Impact of PE at Millfield Primary School


There are many ways we can measure the pupils’ progress within Physical Education:

  • Reflecting on standards achieved against planned outcomes.
  • Pupils have a voice within lessons to critique and feedback on their own and other’s performance using kind, specific and helpful comments through a two stars and a wish approach.
  • Pupil conferencing to ascertain the pupil’s understanding of what they are learning within lessons.

Children by the end of KS2 should be competent in the core skills and to be physically ready for KS3 physical education.


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