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British Values

British Values at Millfield Primary School


The DfE have recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”


Promoting Fundamental British Values at Millfield Primary School

At Millfield Primary School we actively promote fundamental British values as part of our mission to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that promotes spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development for all our pupils at school.


We respect and value every individual in our school community; and will inspire, challenge and support each other to achieve success.

Our clear values support all children, staff, governors and community to develop effective relationships throughout the school, and provide the basis for our behaviour policy and PSHE curriculum. We use the values to ensure everyone in school benefits from high quality SMSC development.

We believe we have a duty to prepare our children for life in modern Britain and to keep them safe.


Millfield Primary School Values –‘Millfield CARES’

Within the Millfield Primary School Community we believe that school is a place ‘where everyone is given the chance to succeed.’

Millfield Primary is a happy, vibrant, inclusive and active school where everyone has:

·         Confidence

·         Ambition and Drive

·         Respect and Responsibility

·         Enjoyment of Learning

·         Safety and Security


External accreditation which demonstrates evidence of commitment to British Values

  • Ofsted grade of ‘Good’ in February 2013 and November 2017 – ‘The promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral and social development is good. They have good opportunities to learn about world faiths and to celebrate world festivals. They have strong links with other schools in several different countries throughout the world.
  •  International School Award 2015-18 and 2018-2021 – The British Council awarded us the award for ‘Outstanding Development of the International Dimension of the Curriculum’. Their report stated ‘Your excellent international activities benefit the school and community. Your support, commitment, creativity and innovative international work is greatly appreciated.’


Promoting Democracy at Millfield Primary

  • Democracy is evident throughout our school and is discussed regularly during assemblies.
  • Pupils have the opportunity to have their voices heard through our pupil questionnaires, pupil discussion groups and via members of the School Council. For example; outcomes of a pupil survey informed the development of the playground environment at  lunch time.
  • Pupils have the opportunity to express their views on school lunches through School Council discussion with our caterers which informs the planning of future menus.
  • Our school’s Behaviour Policy enables pupils to distinguish right from wrong and build ‘inner wealth’. In instances of wrong doing, we challenge children’s choices by allowing them time for reflection to accept their responsibility for their wrong doings and support them to make changes for the future.
  • We encourage a respect for democracy by using the voting process to elect school council officers, class representatives for the school council and house captains. For the role of school council officers; children are interviewed for a short list and the successful candidates prepare speeches to present to the whole school who then vote for their choice.
  • The School Council and Head Boy and Head Girl are invited to work alongside staff and governors in the employment of new staff and are regularly invited to be part of the interview process by being given the opportunity to speak to prospective candidates and to ask them questions. Children in classes where interview candidates teach as part of the selection process are asked for their feedback.
  • The School Council, House Captains and Sports Captains contribute to school life by organising and managing events both within the school and in the local and wider community, often supporting local, national and global charities.


Promoting the Rule of Law at Millfield Primary

  • We explore the importance of Laws/rules, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country. Using the appropriate pitch and language for our children, Laws/rules are reinforced, particularly during school and  class assemblies, SMSC and our curriculum. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws; that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and consequences when laws/rules are broken.
  • Visits from authorities such as the police and fire service and coastguard are regular parts of our calendar and help reinforce this message. The school provides an extensive road safety programme throughout the school.
  • We have a clear behaviour policy based on positive choices, forming relationships and the building of ‘inner wealth’ which is consistently applied throughout the school.  There is a clear reward system in which children are recognised and acknowledged in assembly for their positive choices in relation to their behaviour and academic work. We encourage children to use restorative approaches to reflect on, and resolve, any conflict.
  • Through our nurture provision, time is provided for individual pupils who may require additional support and opportunities to understand the importance of following rules
  • Older pupils are given responsibility for helping younger pupils – eg. during whole school challenge days, on the playground and during sporting events. We involve the Head Boy and Head Girl and School Council in responding to whole school pupil issues.


Promoting Individual Liberty at Millfield Primary

  • Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe, caring and supportive environment.
  • From our youngest pupils we encourage our children to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advise how to exercise these safely, for example through our PHSE, RSE and SMSC lessons.
  • Whether it be through choice of challenge, plan do and review, Forest School activities, how they record work, selection of lunches or participation in our extensive range of extra-curricular clubs- pupils are given the freedom to make choices.


Promoting Mutual Respect at Millfield Primary

  • ‘Respect and Responsibility’ is one our core values and permeates all aspects of school life and determines the way in  which we support and care for each other, for the community and environment. Pupils know and understand what is  expected and that it is imperative that respect is shown to everyone, whatever differences we may have. They are part of discussions and assemblies related to what this means and how it is shown. Children and adults alike, including  visitors are challenged if they are disrespectful in any way.
  • Pupils learn about respect through the PHSE, RSE and RE curriculum with opportunities being provided across the curriculum for children to work together in groups and teams which require mutual respect.
  • Children learn how to live in mutual respect with their peers during educational residential visits.
  • We regularly welcome a variety of charities and organisations to support and learn from the work that they do. The  children are encouraged to select ways in which they can support the work of different charities.
  • All staff in school promote and demonstrate respect for others and this is also reflected in older pupils in their roles as, Head Boy and Head Girl, House Captains, Sports Captains as well as those who represent the School Council.
  • Achievement is celebrated across the school; in assemblies, through phone calls to parents and through our website and newsletter.


Promoting tolerance of and respect for those of all faiths, no faith, different cultures and lifestyles at Millfield Primary

  • This is promoted through activities aimed at developing our young pupils understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity. Millfield is situated in an area which is not greatly culturally diverse; therefore we place a great emphasis on promoting diversity with the children.
  • Assemblies are regularly planned to address this issue either directly or through the inclusion of stories and celebrations from a variety of faiths and cultures. The school participates in the celebration of multi faith festivals eg  Harvest, Diwali. Our RE and PSHE teaching reinforce this.
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs is promoted in RE as children gain a greater understanding of religious diversity and practices for those religions represented in the UK.
  • Using age appropriate language we aim to educate our children about prejudices and prejudice-based issues by learning about these issues in RE, RSE and SMSC. Members of some faiths or religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning.
  • We use opportunities such as the Olympics and World Cup to study and learn about life and culture in countries who participate.
  • We have worked with the British Council in providing placements for Cultural Assistants and with the Dutch educational system in providing international training placements. These staff have English as an Additional Language and bring a rich and varied cultural experience to our school.
  • We hold an International themed day regularly during the school year when all children undertake a programme of activities including dance, music, art, languages and cooking in order to learn about different cultures and customs.
  • The school has achieved the full International Schools Award and have undertaken a number of projects with schools in other countries.
  • Year 5 and 6 pupils have had the opportunity to participate in cultural visits to Spain.


Other Examples of celebrating British Values at Millfield Primary


  • As a whole school, Remembrance Day celebrations are held annually where children purchase poppies and a minute's silence is held in a dedicated Remembrance Assembly.
  • Every Christmas the performances of Foundation Stage and KS1 children are based on the Christian faith with a traditional Nativity play with a traditional carol concert held in the local church for KS2 children
  • We have celebrated the World Cup and the Olympics, with Olympic themed sports days.
  • We include reference to the contribution of different cultures to life in Britain through our learning themes, art and literature
  • WE celebrate important royal events such as Weddings and jubilees.
  • Use of drama, debate, circle time and Philosophy 4 Children to explore issues.
  • Choice of activities at lunchtime
  • Integration of children into mainstream school from Specialist Resource base for children with Autism.





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