Reading at Millfield
“The more that you read, The more things you will know
The more that you learn, The more places you’ll go”
Dr Seuss
Intent Statement:
Fostering a love of reading is at the heart of the curriculum at Millfield. As a school we promote the enjoyment of reading at every opportunity and in every aspect of the school.
Subject Champion for Reading is Rebecca King
- Reading is a key life skill for ALL children. Children need to be able to read confidently with an awareness of how sounds are blended together to form words when decoding text. Children also need to use ‘sight reading’ skills or recognition of whole words, which is developed by reading regularly. These skills help children to develop confidence, fluency and most importantly, enjoyment of reading. Children need an understanding of what they have read in order to make sense of the text, be able to predict and relate aspects of the text together as well as understand how language can be used to convey feelings, characters, moods and actions, as well as the author’s intent.
If children do not develop these skills, it will hinder their access to learning in all areas of the curriculum and have a significant impact on their future lives. It is vital therefore that ALL pupils are taught the skills they need to be competent readers and fulfil their potential.
- ‘Reading is a passport to the world.’ Reading is a lifelong activity which can provide much pleasure and enjoyment; being immersed within a text can be inspiring and exciting and provides an insight into different times, events and lives of others, as well as helping us to understand our own feelings and actions. Reading opens new experiences and worlds for children who may not have the opportunity to explore the world physically throughout their childhood years.
Reading can also be calming and relaxing helping to take away stress and anxiety and thus help to promote positive mental health and wellbeing.
- Every child deserves the chance to become a reader. Many of our pupils report they do not read outside of school and therefore we must provide some of the wider experiences for our pupils. Parental involvement in children reading is vital to ensuring children are making sustained progress. This is not always at the level it could be, and therefore we must strive as a school to engage our parents in their child’s reading in a positive and non-judgemental way and assist them in developing the skills they need to provide good quality experiences outside of school. Every child can learn to read with the right teaching and support.