Millfield Primary Communication and Language Statement of Intent
“If you can just communicate, you can get by. But if you can communicate skilfully, you can work miracles”
Jim Rohn
At Millfield Primary we understand the importance of Speech, Language and Communication. Speech, language and communication enables children to build positive relationships, form friendships and learn by listening, talking and questioning.
We believe that good speech, language and communication skills have a positive impact on confidence and self-esteem. By interacting and playing using speech and language, a child or young person develops social skills and friendships that support their well-being. Good speech, language and communication skills also support educational achievement and employment opportunities.
If a child or young person has difficulties with speech, language and communication, they are more likely to have difficulty in developing reading and writing skills, have behaviour difficulties and difficulty in forming friendships and making social connections.
Many children and young people with speech, language and communication difficulties have significant behavioural difficulties or are withdrawn which may result in a negative impact on confidence and self-esteem. Poor communication has an impact on mental health, employment opportunities and links closely to poor educational achievement and poverty.
A significant percentage of our pupils enter the school in Reception exhibiting difficulties with speech, language and communication
This is why promoting the importance of speech, language and communication has to be at the heart of the curriculum at Millfield Primary School.
In order to do this we will ensure that: