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Subject Champion for Computing - Thomas Davies

Statement of Intent – Computing


“The purpose of computing is insight not numbers”

Richard Hamming


Computing at Millfield Primary School:


  • Millfield pupils will leave primary school at the end of Year 6 having had the opportunity to meet the four main aims of the National Curriculum for Computing.  They will enjoy using technology, be enthusiastic about the subject and be confident in their skills in using technology to be creative and to solve problems.  They will have developed skills in computer science, be able to analyse problems and be responsible, confident users of information and communication technology.  
  • The subject of computing offers a huge opportunity to develop skills of analysis, evaluation and the ability to write programs and algorithms, which are fundamental skills to a range of careers children may aspire to in the future.  Technology is almost certain to play an ever greater role in the future, so it is of fundamental importance that pupils have the necessary building blocks of understanding at this age to progress in the subject and to have the opportunity to pursue careers in this field. 
  • Computing has key links with mathematics, science and design technology, so it is vital that these subjects are not taught in isolation but are experienced by pupils in a complementary way, with skills in one subject supporting understanding in another. 
  • Pupils at Millfield Primary School tend to be familiar with and engaged with technology due to the presence of devices such as gaming consoles, mobile phones and tablets in their own homes.  The computing curriculum will seek to broaden their understanding of how such devices work, what greater range of devices are needed for the world of work and develop their understanding of networks and the Internet.  They will develop the understanding and skills of not simply to use software, but also how to create it.




  • All year groups from 1-6 will deliver the Computing curriculum via the lesson materials provided via , covering one unit per half term. 
  • Classes will have a timetabled hour in the computer suite each week.  They will be able to book additional time as necessary.  
  • In 2021-22, year groups may need to cover the content of previous years instead of the content laid out for their current year, where prior knowledge is needed. 
  • Teachers will also need to use their formative assessment of which other core computer skills their pupils need (such as mouse skills, keyboard skills and touch-typing) and allocate time to practise these skills in the computer suite or with laptops accordingly.  These skills can also be practised, in conjunction with research and presentation skills, in a cross-curricular manner with other subjects (e.g. history and geography) to use common programs such as Word and Powerpoint. 
  • Teachers should use the ‘Summative Assessments’ at the end of units to assess and also to consolidate pupil knowledge. 
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