Autumn Term in Cherry Tree Class
Welcome to Cherry Tree Class!
We hope you have had a lovely Summer holiday. We can't wait to welcome you to learning at our school.
Let me introduce you to the whole team.
I am Mrs Sorensen, your main teacher, and joining me will be Mrs HP (Teacher on Thursdays and Fridays), Mrs Cutting and Miss Hardie who are our two lovely Learning Support Assistants. We will be working, and playing alongside our friends in Apple Tree Class :Mrs Oakley (Class teacher), Mrs Alexander and Mrs Ratcliffe.
In the first few weeks we will be getting to know you all and helping you to adjust to your new learning environment. Once you have all settled in, then we will begin to introduce you to many new experiences, including phonics and reading, mathematics , art, PE and music, to name but a few. We will also be inviting your grown-ups to come and join us on special days so that they can see how we teach phonics and maths. It's all going to be lots of fun.
Grown-ups, we have this year's full curriculum available on the 'Curriculum by year group' pages if you would like to explore it with your little ones.
Important information -
Reception children in Cherry tree class
PE is on Thursdays. Both Reception children from Cherry and Apple tree classes with have PE on a Thursday afternoon. We will also be enjoying 'Jump Start Jonny' every day to keep our bodies fit and healthy.
Please send your child into school in their full PE kit every Thursday.
First PE lesson will be on the 19th September.
Year 1 children in Cherry tree class
PE is on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The year 1 children will be enjoying PE with their Beech tree class friend's and are fortunate to have Pav every Tuesday this half term. On Thursday's they will rejoin their Reception friends within their own class.
Please send your child into school in their full PE kit every Tuesday and Friday.
Your first PE lesson will be 10th September.
Any earrings to be removed or they will need to be taped over for safety.
Further details about kit and uniform were given to you in your 'Welcome Pack' if you need any help or advice on clothing please don't hesitate to approach a member of staff from the Early Phase team.
Any questions please do not hesitate to approach a member of the Reception (Apple Tree and Cherry Tree Class) team. We are happy to help.
Or alternatively email us via the office at or
We can't wait to share your child's learning through Tapestry an online learning journal that we will work hard to set up for you over the next couple of weeks.
Mrs Sorensen and the team.
Important information: