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Maple Class 2024-25

Welcome to Maple Class!



Spring Term Learning



Maple Class is taught by Mrs King on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and Mrs HP on a Wednesday. Mrs. Herd is our amazing teaching assistant. 


Every morning, we will have phonics and reading lessons followed by English and Maths.


In English this half term, our writing will be inspired by Beegu by Alexis Deacon and The Tadpole's Promise by Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross.



In the afternoon we will explore our curriculum theme for this term. Our theme for the Spring Term is ‘Heroes and Heroines.’


As Historians, we will learn more about the lives of people like Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale, and Edith Cavell. We will discover more about how they helped people and any difficulties they overcame. 


As Geographers, we continue to travel around the world, exploring hot and cold continents and the vast oceans, linking this to the creatures that live there. Groundwork will us to deliver our mapping skills, showing where our local wildlife lives. 


As scientists, we will identify and compare everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper, and cardboard, for particular uses. We will find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting, and stretching. 


As Artists, we will explore the work of Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol, two artists famous for pop art. We will create pieces of art inspired by their work. 


As Designers, we will learn simple sewing techniques to make a butterfly.                                                                                                           


Important information:


Reading books will be changed every Monday (Tuesday on occasions). Please ensure reading books and reading records are in your child’s book bag every day.


The expectation for Key Stage 1 is that your child reads four times a week at home. They will bring home a sharing book and a decodable reading book (further information about this is in your reading records).


You will find homework in Home Learning books. Homework will be given out on a Friday and collected on a Wednesday. Please ensure your child brings their home learning book to school on this day. Home Learning books will be given out later in the half term



Important information for P.E:


PE days in Maple Class are Tuesday and Friday this half term. Please ensure your child comes into school wearing the correct uniform for PE. Hoodies are NOT allowed. As the temperature is very cold, please ensure your child has jogging bottoms and a school cardigan or school jumper to wear just in case we have PE outside. Please ensure hair is tied back and earrings are removed.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the Early Phase and Foundation Phase Team.


The Early Phase and Foundation Phase Team for the 2024/2025 academic year is:


Mr. Hurrell and Mrs. Halls – Beech Tree Class Years 1 and 2. 

Mrs. King, Mrs. H-P and Mrs. Herd - Maple Tree Class Year 2. 

Mrs. HP, Mrs. Sorensen, Mrs. Hardie and Mrs. Cutting – Cherry Tree Class Reception and Year 1.

Mrs. Oakley, Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Rathcliffe Apple Tree Class Reception and Year 1. 


School email addresses; Secretary:, Front Office:, Absences:, Senco:, SRB: Check the School Calendar for Clubs, Trips, Events and More!