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'This School continues to be Good' -Ofsted November 2017

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Pear Tree Class 2023-24

Welcome to Pear Tree Class.


Our names are Mrs Sorensen, Mrs Harkin-Perry and Mrs Cutting. We are your child’s teachers and TA for this academic year.


Our theme for the Summer Term is ‘heart Where We Live.’



As Geographers we will be looking at maps focusing on our local area and our fantastic town of North Walsham. We will also be thinking about how we travel to school. 


As Historians we will be learning about our local area of North Walsham and how the town has changed over time. We will also explore how times have changed since our parents and grandparents were younger. 


As scientists we will learn about the different parts of plants and what they need to survive


As artists be studying the work of a famous artist - William Morris. He took inspiration from the beautiful natural world around him. We will be sketching plants and then creating repeat patterns using print techniques. 


Alongside our main learning theme, we will be continuing with our Spanish, PSHE, RSHE, online safety, Maths mastery and PE lessons.


Our Mornings will continue with phonics, English and Maths and collective assemblies on Tuesdays and Fridays.





Important information:


Reading books will be changed every Monday. Please ensure reading books and reading records are in your child’s book bag every day.


The expectation for Key Stage 1 is that your child reads four times a week.


You will find homework in Home Learning books. Homework will be given out on a Friday and collected on a Wednesday. Please ensure your child brings their home learning book to school on this day.  




PE days in Pear Tree Class are Monday and Friday

Please ensure your child comes into school wearing their PE kit on their designated PE days.  Please ensure hair is tied back and earrings are removed. 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the Early Phase Team.


The Early Phase Team is:


Mr Hurrell and Mrs Herd – Beech Tree Class


Mrs H-P, Mrs Sorensen and Mrs Cutting – Pear Tree Class


Ms Lanchbury, Mrs Monsey and Miss Hardie – Maple Tree Class

School email addresses; Secretary:, Front Office:, Absences:, Mrs Hodge: SRB: Check the School Calendar for Clubs, Trips, Events and More!