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'This School continues to be Good' -Ofsted November 2017

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If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:


  • The school has purchased a set of 15 Samsung tablets which are available for parents to loan. In addition we have been allocated a number of laptops from the DfE which can also be loaned. The school has installed relevant virus protection and firewalls, but parents are responsible for supervising their child's access to the internet. Parents must sign a loan agreement with the school and the devices remain the property of the school. Parents should contact the school office at 
  • The school has provided information to parents as to how Google Classroom can be accessed using X-box or Sony Playstation as many children have access to these devices at home.
  • We did not receive an allocation of devices enabling an internet connection, but parents should contact the school for help if they have no internet access at home.
  • Parents can request printed packs of learning materials if they have no online access which can be collected at a specified time from the school entrance. Parents should contact their child's teacher via the class email or the school office. If families are self-isolating or shielding, the school can make arrangements to have these delivered to homes in a Covid safe way -please contact the school office to discuss.
  • All children had blank exercise books to take home to record their work in rather than use the online tools in Google Docs. Additional exercise books can be collected from the school entrance, which can be delivered if necessary- please contact the school office to discuss.
  • If you have no access to the internet, work can be submitted by returning the exercise books to school, which following a period of quarantine, will be marked and feedback provided. Parents will be contacted to collect the marked work or it can be delivered if necessary. Parents should contact their child's teacher to make the required arrangements via a telephone call to the school office.
School email addresses; Secretary:, Front Office:, Absences:, Mrs Hodge: SRB: Check the School Calendar for Clubs, Trips, Events and More!